I‘ve had this blanket that I‘ve had since I was born (1997) so obviously it‘s old It‘s just plane blue with nothing on it (so its not really a baby blanket) but I‘ve had it since I was born and I‘m really attached to it, anyway my dad wanted to fold it up and put it in a box for when I‘m older (he suggested that when I was 8 or 9 but I didn‘t want to at that time. Now I‘m 15 and I‘m still attached to it) anytime I go ANYWHERE that I‘ll have to stay overnight (like this summer we went to Michigan to visit family) it comes with me. I sleep with it every night. During the day it just stays on my bed. When I was younger I had to take it literally EVERYWHERE and I wouldn‘t leave it at the house cause I was scared the house would catch on fire and it would burn up. I‘m not as attached to it as I use to be when I was younger but I‘m still attached to it. How do I get unattached? v.v
It's normal to have something that comforts you, and it's not a problem until it starts to negatively interfere with your everyday life. Im 14 and i have a baby blankey too! I suck on the corner when I can't sleep:)
I still have my old stuffed guys from my elementary school days (everything from Build a Bears, to Webkinz, to Beanie Babies; I even bought a Cinamoroll plushie for my fourteenth birthday, silly, I know, but I still love it), and my blankets from my infant and toddler days. And frequently, I still sleep with them, although I don't carry them anywhere, excluding the airport, in my vacation bag. I see nothing wrong with sleeping with them, or bringing them with you on vacation, if it makes you comfortable. You shouldn't throw something away or try to detach from it if it has very sentimental value.
I'm seventeen and I'm still majorly attached to my teddy bear who I've had since I was a baby. I still refer to him by his name and keep him in my bed. It's normal to have a couple of things from your childhood that you just can't give up because they have sentimental value. Trust me. It is completely normal.