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Im freezing, how can I warm up?

I‘m so cold. It‘s 31 degrees outside and a wind chill of 24 degrees. The heat is on, but the house isn‘t warming up. It‘s been on for a few hours now and I‘m only getting colder. I‘m laying under two comforters, 2 blankets, and a flannel sheet. My floor heater is on full blast. What can I do?


Have you checked your thermomitor, what is the temp inside. You could be coming down with a cold or flu. Also, depending on your age, maybe you should have your blood pressure checked, that causes coldness in some people.
mabye ur sick and its just ur body thats cold, not just outside. if thats the case, you should go to ur doctor and get some medicine. besides, im sure ur doctors office is warm. :D if ur not sick, you should get something hot to drink (i would suggest wrapping the blankets around u when u go to the kitchen or else ur gonna freeze). if that doesnt work, u can try taking a hot, steaming shower/bath (but that leaves the problem that as soon as u get out, ur gonna be even colderthan u were when u first got in) next thing, if you have an electric blanket or some other thing that produces heat and wont catch ur blankets on fire, put that under the blankets. it will REALLY help. lastly, if all else fails, go into ur car(if u have one) take the blankets with u, and turn the heat all the way up. this is just in case the heater in ur house really is broken. you could also put on a lot of blankets and pants. if you have some thermal shirts an pants, you should but those on two. and a hat. u lose more than 25% of ur body heat from ur head
31 degrees is not that cold. Either your heating is not working properly or you need better insulation. One thing you might try is putting bubble wrap on your windows, specially if they are not double glazed. Eat high calorie foods and move around (do some exercise or cleaning).

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