I mean for double protection against leakage , will a wooden door or a metal one of the cabinet where this oven is placed cut off hazardous radiations.
there's a metallic mesh embedded interior the door alongside with the glass or plastic of the door. through fact the size of the holes interior the mesh is lots smaller than the wavelength of the microwaves, the microwaves won't be able to propagate interior the path of the mesh - it behaves to the microwaves merely as though it had no holes in in any respect. average the metallic on the in the microwave acts like a faraday cage - no microwaves (properly virtually...) leak out as that's behaves like a sealed metallic field.
microwaves cannot pass through metal at all. even tin foil. the door of the microwave, as you might notice, has a sheet of metal with a bunch if round holes in it. the holes are just small enough that the microwaves cannot pass through them. as for the wood it would depend on what size. i don't believe that the microwave would pass through a piece of wood thicker than 1/2 inch. microwaves only penetrate food about a half to one inch. they cook the food by exciting the water molecules in the food and causing internal friction. the friction then spreads throughout the food. the wood should be enough to stop the waves. if you want to perform a science experiment put a glass of water in a wooden box and microwave it. the wood might get slightly warm as there is some water in wood. but if the water does not heat up then you would have your answer.