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In NASCAR, are the fuel cans pressurized?

Do they use pressure to fill the fuel cells or are they using good old gravity?


Pressurized fuel cells.of course that would be dangerous.
Looks like gravity to me.
The fuel cell is a closed system.When the catch can is inserted into the valve at the rear of the car this allows the air to escape thus using a vacuum action to dumpthe fuel from the gas can.
Gravity, baby - Gravity! If you haven't got the chance to see one up close, watch for a show car to come to your neighborhood - The typically have one with the car. You would be surprised how light they are empty And the jack is an amazing piece of engineering
They just use gravity. The fuel cans and filler neck are designed to flow the maximum amount possible with the legal sized hole. Both the fuel flow out of the can and the airflow into the can (from atmospheric pressure) are carefully designed by fluid dynamics engineers. The catch can opens a larger vent to allow the air in the cell to escape fast enough. There is another vent that allows air to be drawn in as the fuel is burned. It is amazing how fast the cans dump the fuel.

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