in the movie charlie and the chocolate factory how could havew willy wonka build such a huge factory and with what did he dig with to make his factory to go down underground
first of allENOUGH WITH THE DARN TWILIGHT POSTS!!!!!!!!!! now, to answer your question, there are several pieces of equipment that they can use to dig down that far, if i remember correctly, the factory seemed to go down something like, a quarter mile down into the earthfor construction like that, they would have to use a network of cranes at different levels to raise the material out of the hole and into waiting dump trucks, but the actual excavating machines would most likely be a huge excavatorhope this helps
Bedding at the bottom is optional, but it can help keep odor downJust make sure whatever kind you get specifies safe for ferretsTalk to a clerk at the pet store if you have any doubtsOurs have a hammock they sleep in with a blanketOurs prefer a large hammock that they can both fit intoSome like blanket bags they can crawl intoThey love lots of shelves and such to crawl and climb on and tubes to crawl throughOur cage is tall with several different levelsThey usually sleep in the hammock suspended from the top of the cage.
Do not put shavings in the cageFerrets have very sensitive noses and can inhale tiny particlesShavings can hurt them and cut their noseOne of my ferrets inhaled a straw particle once and I nearly had to bring him to the emergency room! They love hammocks and soft small dog bedsTarget's pet section has some cute ones, and any pet store should have ferret hammocks Please research before making a cage from scratchA ferret can fit their body completely through any hole the size of their headIf the holes in the cage are that big, your ferret will escape and probably hurt themselvesWhat are you making it out of? Ferret nation makes the best cages aroundGoogle it They also need litter pansFill it with fuel pellets for fire placesThey are low in ash, and are not harmful like cat litter (which they can inhale)If you want to spend a lot of money, you could also buy Yesterday's NewsIt is a pet litter, exactly like fuel pellets except in comes in a tiny bag and costs $10:) Cheers!
Some people put small blankets on the floor of the cage, some put beddingIts up to youYou will need a litter box in the corner of the cageWhat ever you put down make sure it does not create a lot of dust, the ferret can get an respiratory infection from itFor sleeping they love hammocksJust regular hammocks and ones that look like a pouch that they can get inFor mine I have a variety of different hammock styles and materials hanging all throughout the cage so they can chose which one they want.
Ferrets are usually neutered already if you're looking at one from a pet shopAge is not a factor you should consider when you're looking for a ferreta ferret will bond to you no matter how old he or she isIt is very important though, to have your ferret neutered if they are not alreadyA neutered male has a light, although different scent than we're used toFerrets do not spray like a cat to mark their territoryIf a ferret hasn't been descented, they may release scent when they're very frightened, but not to markif you're considering a female, she needs to be neutered when she's 4-6 months oldIf she's not fixed, she has a high chance of developing a type of anemia when she reaches maturityIf you don't keep a non-neutered male around her, there would be no possible way for her to become pregnant anywayWhat you should look for in a ferret is one whose personality seems to be just like yoursCoat color and gender don't matter if you and your ferret don't get alongwhen looking, keep an open mind and handle every ferret you canIf you wait a day after you found a possible match, and you have a feeling that he/she is the one, hat's when you know you've picked the right oneMedical history is usually only important when dealing with a ferret over 4 years old( If you give your ferret a bath once a month and wash their bedding once a week, they will stay smelling fresh and they'll appreciate it.! otherwise their skin will dry out and overproduce oilsleading to a stinky ferret.) just remember to keep an open mind and let the ferret pick you.