Wood sliding on a wood,rubber mat ,aluminum foil, manila paper , or plastic cover? Please help me! it's my physics experiment about friction.
I'd say buy the guitar you want, and then take it to a luthier (guitar builder) and talk to him about itOr better yet, go before you buy the guitar and just ask himIf its just a finish you want, you can have any average luthier paint blood on it or whateverThe coolest custom guitars have designs build into the fretboard and stuff, but that has to be done during production, and custom guitar design gets really expensive really fastBut having someone refinish your guitar with a blood theme should be reasonableBTW, I think your idea of white with blood spatter is pretty sweetOr like the bridge is bleeding down the front of the guitar, sweet idea man.
I'd say off hand, wood on rubber,matWhy not try each one? The real answer is to look up the coefficient of frictionIt's probably in t your textTo find it it would vary like crazy on the type of wood, its surface, the rubber, etc.Example: I have cordwod and a polished bit of Desert IronwoodThe cordwood is rough and soft pine, the Ironwood ius very hard and almost feels like polished metalPlastic probably has least firction, followed by the manila; absolutely straight Al foil, no wrinkles, slightly more.