i need an independent powered alarm system for my scooter, one that wont be connected to any of my scooter's primary systems like the battery.I need one that has it's own battery. and be easy to installed.Please help me
A vertical velocity of 15·64m/s would be reduced to zero by gravity (acc. 9·83m/s/s) in 15·64/9·83 1·5915 seconds, and after this time a blob of water would start falling so that is the time of its highest reach. At a horizontal velocity of 19·11m/s, undiminished by air resistance, the blob would move 19·11x1·5915 metres, 30·42 metres.
Get 2 rottweilers,that way when 1 sleeps the other one will be active.You will be covered that way.I have never seen a security alarm bite off an intruders face.Forget the alarm,get 2 big viscous dogs and have them trained properly.Then sleep in peace.
All dogs play rough. However if his play is borderline aggressive or if he is actually HURTING the other dogs due to his exuberance, then i would stop bringing him to the park immediately. Learn here
This is a bit like asking: Which is better in a car, a seat belt, or an airbag? They both provide protection, but do it in different ways. And they provide the best protection when both are used together. Alarm systems can detect an intrusion, notify the police and neighbors that an intrusion is occurring, and possibly scare the intruder off before he does much damage. Camera systems are generally used to provide documentation of what occurred after-the-fact. For example, if someone broke into your home, you could look back upon the recorded images and possibly be able to identify the thief. If properly placed, cameras can also be used while you are home to observe what is going on. In my opinion, the average homeowner would be far better off with an alarm system than a camera system. There are many sophisticated things that can be done with cameras (remote monitoring of cameras from a security station, video motion detection, etc.) but these types of things cost far more than most home owners are willing to spend.
Many factors to consider in the trade-offs. 1. A security alarm does not provide any physical protection; it is up to the responding personnel to take action. 2. A security alarm does nothing to deter an intruder until AFTER the alarm has been triggered, assuming that the intruder fears some physical person to respond to the alarm. 3. A dog can deter an intruder before the intrusion. 4. A dog can stop an intruder during an invasion. 5. You don't have to feed or walk an alarm system. 6. You can get an insurance deduction for an alarm system. 7. An alarm system won't keep your feet warm in the winter. Fences, motion-sensor lighting, window bars, secondary door locks, etc are all physical barriers that may be sufficient to deter intrusion. An armed guard, or armed citizen, is difficult to properly train, unpredictable under duress, raise liability insurance costs, and of questionable use during a surprise attack. Security cameras may provide some deterrence, but are more useful for awareness of threats and for identification of suspects after the fact.