i have a 2001 corolla with a new amplifier. when they wanted to test the amp after all wiring was done, they somehow wired the amps power cable to my negative connection on the battery. i turned on the electrics on the car and they all work. then i tried starting it, and how the engine wont start and the lights dim when im turning the key. what happened? and how can i fix this major screw up???
that happened with me i have chevy aveo 2004 and installed 12's subwoofers with 3000 watt amp the problem is that your ground cable is not functioning what to do is bring a fresh new cable and connect it to your battery negative then to the car chassis . and try to start the car if it didn't start replace the battery .
You probably drained the battery down some how or have a bad connections at the battery. try charging the battery. I don't think you could have messed anything up too bad on the car.
If the electronics work, then it's not the battery, Hooking up the power wire the ground does nothing, there isn't a circuit to complete, without power. Even the remote turn wire, having power, would either put the amp into protection, or pop the fuses...Does it try to turn over? or if not, does it have a starter solenoid?
That means your Amplifier is connected directly to the battery -ve.Then both should work. What is the power level of Battery?If old there is a possibility of full discharge. Dim lights, are an indication of discharged battery. If discharged,re-charge it before next trial. If battery is in good charged condition,starter will work. (Otherwise,Check for any mistakes.Reinstate the connection).