i have one male and one female green anole i know how they breed and lay eggs but i don‘t know how to take care of the eggsim just askin before they breed so im ready
Ramonios actual - your anole is having toddlers then you've a collection working around your room and then the following day you're thinking procuring a collection of anoles and decide for a caresheetextraordinary.
The substrate should be 1:1 mass ratio medium to water. In the lab we use vermiculite with excellent success. If you want, you can incubate each egg independently in little baby food jars, or something similar. You do not have to incubate separately, but that way not all your eggs are in one basket so to speak. Place a layer of substrate at least the egg’s width in your container. When placing the eggs in the substrate make a divot with your finger then gently placing the egg in without rotating it. Rotating the egg can damage the fragile embryo. Close in the divot leaving half the egg exposed to the air. Finally place a lid or saran wrap secured with a rubber band over the top and incubate at 27C. Best of luck to you.