It is a day in JanuaryHEavy snow cover blankets the norther 1/3rd of IllinoisThe Vernon Hills weather is as follows: temperature 34 degrees F, dew point 34 degrees F, southerly winds at 12 miles per hour, zero miles visibilty in dense fogTHe type of fog occuring at Vernon Hills is known as:asteam fogbground fogcvalley fogdadvection fog
Cut them up real thing, drizzle olive oil and sprinkle salt and any kind of seasoning you likeI love cajun!
Advection fog is observed when warm air (southerly winds at 12 miles per hour) moves over a cold surface (HEavy snow cover blankets the norther 1/3rd of Illinois).
Cut them up real thing, drizzle olive oil and sprinkle salt and any kind of seasoning you likeI love cajun!
Advection fog is observed when warm air (southerly winds at 12 miles per hour) moves over a cold surface (HEavy snow cover blankets the norther 1/3rd of Illinois).