Will copper prices ever reach what silver is? Or gold? I'm not sure if I should start investing in copper or not? Any input?
Metals are not investments, they are commodities to be traded - buy for less than what you know you can sell for. Gold and silver are much easier to manage if you want to speculate on them for a short-term trade, you can literally hold $10k in gold in the palm of your hand. $10k in silver would be heavy to physically pick up and hold for very long, but you can easily store it. $10k in copper? You'd need a warehouse and a forklift. It's not a practical 'buy and hold'. You can always buy and hold paper metals, like the SLV and GLD ETFs (and wharever there is for copper) but I personally do not believe in it because it's only a promise. If I'm going to buy it, I want to be able to see it and touch it and know that some market disaster can't make it disappear. If copper ever gets to where silver is now, I'm going to be really glad I hung onto the silver I did.
Copper will go up right along with silver and gold but it is more common thus it won't surpass these anytime soon. Keep in mind there are no place in the U.S. to melt copper, it may or may not make any difference.
No. you should say away from gold,silver and copper IMO.
Copper is a single commodity and thus very risky. If you did your homework and you believe the price will increase, by all means invest in it. At any rate copper should only be no more then 15% of a good diversified portfolio. PS: Im not a fortune teller, so I can't say if it will go up or down.