I have an an iPod touch with 3.0 and I installed a jailbroken app called Transformer. It makes thr iPod look like an iPhone. But when it resprings, nothing changes. Please Help!
I feel your pain, but Transformer only works on itouches with the firmware 2.2 or under. If your still want a iphone look-a-like this is what I did and I works great Maybe even better than tranfromer!: 1. Download iCall, textPlus, and Flicket off app store. 2. Download CompassF app off cydia. 3. Download theme iPhoney theme off Cydia 4. Download Better 3G WiFi (turns wifi bars into 3g) 5. turn on the 2 themes ATT bars will be added w/ iPhoney automadiclly 6. Download SBSettings, extras, and turn on the numeric battery. (like 3Gs) 7. Lastly, if you want to go that extra mile Im working on a Theme that changes the iTouch settings to iPhone ones with wallpaper on main page. And thats it, the Icons and names of the 3 app store apps should change to camera, messages, and phone. The spotlight should say, Seach iPhone and thats pretty much it. Not only does the phone work with wifi now looking just like the iphone dialpad, and so does messages. So I think this is better than Transformer and wont mess up ur touch like transformer would. Hav fun messing with your friends minds lol! :)