
Iron & Hydrochloric Acid?

Iron HCL react together according to Fe + 2HCL FeCl2 + H2Depending on the reaction conditions the product may be (i) solid, anyhydrous iron II Chloride (ii) an aqueous solution of iron II Chloride, or (iii) crystals of iron II chloride-4-water. get suitable state symbols and make any other modifications to the basic equation to represent the following.1) passing dry hydrogen chloride gas over heated iron to give anyhydrous iron (II) chloride2) Dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid to give a solution of iron (II) chloride3) dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid and then crystallising the solution to give iron (II) chloride-4-water


Atoms with a natural charge want to become neutral. Iron atoms are naturally at either 2+ or 3+. Since chloride has a 2- charge and hydrogen has a 1- charge, iron (II) or iron 2- is combined with chloride to become neutral. It uses a type of reaction called single replacement.
This is a bit of an odd question. Basically you want to classify all your chemicals as either being solid, liquid, gaseous or aqueous. Aqueous means that it is in solution. 1) This one involves using gaseous hydrogen chloride which reacts with solid iron to form solid iron(II) chloride and hydrogen gas (anhydrous means without water). Fe(s) + 2HCL(g) FeCl2(s) + H2(g) 2) Here we have solid iron being dissolved in a solution of hydrochloric acid (which is basically the hydrogen chloride gas dissolved in water). Here we see that the iron starts solid and is reacted with the aqueous hydrogen chloride/ hydrochloric acid to form a solution of iron(II) chloride. Fe(s) + 2HCL(aq) FeCl2(aq) + H2(g) 3) This is basically the same as number two, except with the solution of iron(II) chloride, we evaporate the water which leaves some in the crystal structure of the solid iron(II) chloride-4-water. Note that you write water as being a liquid and not being aqueous. 4H2O(l) + FeCl2(aq) 4H2O.FeCl2(s) I hope this is what you need and it helps.

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