i heard iron pills can kinda help you concive or well have a better chance of getting pregnant faster. is this true. another thing.i have low iron could that have mabye had an impacted on my misscarrage and having an irregular perion and have a hard time on ttc??????any advice would be great!!!!thanksmisscarred at 6 weeks soppose to take iron pills but havent
You need to get healthy before you get pregnant again. If you can't take iron pills to keep your anemia away then how are you going to keep up with prenatal vitamins and the increased need for iron? There is no way to say that your anemia has any impact on the miscarriage- it may or may not have, early miscarriages are almost impossible to determine a cause for. You would want to get on prenatals AND an iron suppliment now.
Low iron wouldn't have impacted you in terms of having a miscarriage. (unless it was REALLY low but that's incredibly rare) And iron doesn't up your chances of conceiving either. However, I agree with everyone else in that you need to get your iron situation under control before TTC another child. I had a problem with iron supplements and taking a prenatal vitamin. (Too much iron makes you constipated) so My dr. recommended taking two flintstone vitamins instead. Works great!! Good luck!