I want to buy a full fmf exhaust system for my yamaha blaster but im not sure is it worth the money? i was thinking of just buying a fmf powercore 2 exhaust and not bothering with the muffler but then my quad would not be a powerfull without it. Just need a little advice. Thanks
your not doing anything wrong.its the same with me.i think they all are junk.iam going to try bosch the next time,and see if they work better.you could try this.take some alcohol and clean them and see if that works.
Don't apply rain-x. SOmeone told me to do that and it worked for the first couple of days but, after that it was worse. I use high performace bosch icon blades. There a little more expensive BUt they work. Another thing is waxing your windshield well.
Your quad also wouldn't run right. It needs a certain exhaust tract length to have an effective scavenging event to fill the combustion chamber. It also has to be under a certain sound level as that has been under EPA control for many years.
The key to making power. Any real motor builder will tell you this. Want to draw A/F into the motor. Get it(exhaust) out that's easy. So the guy from above is correct. Actually if just put exhaust on it, you could lean it to far. There is science stuff that goes with that, but I don't feel like typing it all. So don't waste money on exhaust with jetting and tuning.
get a full exhaust system for it, rejet it, do the air filter, ecu (if its got one) and a port polish. difference will be major man.