Ceramics are items made from fired naturally occuring mineral compounds. So, is glass a ceramic?
This Site Might Help You. RE: Is glass considered a ceramic material? Ceramics are items made from fired naturally occuring mineral compounds. So, is glass a ceramic?
The term ceramic comes from the Greek word for pottery. It is used to describe a broad range of materials that include glass, enamel, concrete, cement, pottery, brick, porcelain, and chinaware. This class of materials is so broad that it is often easier to define ceramics as all solid materials except metals and their alloys that are made by the high-temperature processing of inorganic raw materials. Glass-Ceramics - An accidental overheating of a glass furnace led to the discovery of materials known as glass-ceramics. When the glass was overheated, small crystals formed in the amorphous material that prevented cracks from propagating through the glass. Because glass-ceramics are more resistant to thermal shock, cookware made of this material can be transferred directly from a hot stove burner to the refrigerator without breaking. Because they are more crystalline glass-ceramics are also slightly better at conducting heat than conventional glasses. Glass-ceramics are also stronger at high temperatures than glasses. Hope this helps!