People calling any foal a colt. Even more irritating (to me) is stud colt and Filly colt. The worst I read was a classified ad with Philly Coat in the title.
Black opaque object absorbs all the Laser energy (light). Replace it with a mirror and tune the distance for an integral length of Laser wavelengths. For in stance if λ 0.6328μ, make it nλ, with n integer number.
It may be his fence, but it borders your yard. Something similar happened with a family member. The bricks and rocks along your side seem not to be doing the job. Try rebar, push it down deep into the ground, so that no matter how far they dig, they will hit the metal. Put bigger rocks, what ever it may take to keep those dogs out of your yard, and your dog and child safe in yours. Get some bear spray, or dog spray. Use it. Continue to monitor all of the neighbor dogs activities, with pictures, dates, times etc. Record all damage to your yard, any further incidents with your dog and theirs.
If, You're talking about Charismatic It should be Dean Ambrose. He's the real one who's the total package in the wrestling business. He could play two roles as Face and heels. He showed the passion of Pro Wrestling on the microphone. Seth Rollins is definitely the most talented one on the shield But, He still needs to improve on the microphone. His Promos always has been decent IMO. His promos are little bit boring. The Austin 316 and Nature Boy should been considering Dean Ambrose for showing his craziest one and Badass. Dean Ambrose is more over and popular than Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.