Is it okay to install ceramic tile on greenboard, or is cement board necessary?
if within 2 ft of water area, ex: tub lip, shower head, then use cement board.......if above the 2 ft then the green board is fine to work with....... lic. gen. contractor
Bigg_dogg44 is correct on the question above. Also in addition if you are going to set tiles use versa bond flex white as it has a better bond. do not use mastic for wet areas
You are going to have better luck in the long run with cement board, but if you are not looking long term then go with green.
If the top layer of plywood is treated then there is no reason whatsoever to apply water proofing. If it isn't treated then there is always a small risk that large amounts of mold could develop in the plywood, but it is a small risk. I would pull up the cement board and put roofing felt under it. Or if I didn't want to take the time for about 80 dollars I can pick up a spray on waterproofing layer to the cement board that most tile flooring stores should carry. Tile membranes are good product, but somewhat expensive to use. Grout is sealed to protect the integrity of the grout and no other reason. A small amount of floor movement and water will have a direct path past the grout.
Depends on the where you put it. If it is going to have direct contact with water then Cement board is the way to go. If it is in a moist location then green is ok.