well, when I hear the fire alarm goes off I don't care whatever it is i am doing at that time i'll just run out of the building.is it okay to do that if i was in the middle of 2 and i just ran out like that holding a roll of toilet paper in front of my co workers once the fire alarm goes off?
Yes, this happened to me. I have always been very afraid of lightning, I don't know why. I ended up moving from the midwest to FL. . .duh. But two years ago, I HAD to leave work early b/c I had a dr's appt and of course, it was storming. Two people were walking to their car in front of me so I figured I had a 1/3 chance of getting struck by lightning. Sounds crazy but yes, that is how I think b/c I am so scared. So I'm about halfway to my car, and big bolt came down and struck a lightpole nearest to me, I could feel the electricity, it actually burnt my arm hair and some of my neck hair (my hair was tied up). The two people in front of me turned around to make sure I was okay b/c like I said, the strike was closest to me. When I got in my car, I just cried. It wasn't a surprise when I got to the dr and they told me my blood pressure was unusually high. My blood pressure is never high and tends to border on the low side, but this day, the nurse told me my blood pressure was unusually high. It's a very scary thing and I don't ever want to be in that situation again. I know lightning is dangerous, I knew it was before this happened. I just can't describe it any better than that - just very scary.
dont put your description in the subject field, give a brief idea of what your problem is (1997 chevy cavalier transmission problem) then go into detail what happened in the larger details area (a step by step description of what happened and what you were doing before and when it happened.)