I have a muzzle-loader which I loaded new out of the box 2 months ago. I poured in the powder, and then shoved the bullet in. Since then, it has been stored in a garage, and exposed to warm, humid temperatures (about 75-80?) as well as about 20-30?f. I have not primed it yet - but was wondering if its safe to fire after priming. If not, how can I make sure it will fire properly. Is there a way to 'empty' it safely? I would rather not 'fire' out the bad shot, as I am afraid it could blow up in my hand or something. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly apprecaited!!
Funny, Reno....just looking back through the weather stats where I live (southeast US). January, high was 78, low was -7. Feb high was 78, low was 7. Last year, March high was 87, low was 4. April, high of 89, low of 22. May, 93 and 30. Seems his numbers are perfectly believable, bud. Apologies? And yes, it is safe, OF. If you loaded it properly, there's nothing that can be wrong with it that will cause it to be dangerous to fire. It'll either fire or it won't....but it'll not be dangerous to try. My advice, cap it, cock it, aim it, and pull the trigger. If it fires, you can clean it and store it or whatever you had planned. Beats pulling balls if you don't have to.
OK I'll be nice but first a reprimand...if you're not up on black powder firs arms you get what you deserve...'nuf said! Now listen, there should be no problem firing this but make certain the projectile is seated firmly on the powder. If it doesnt go off simply either sprinkle some 4F powder, just a little either in the flash hole or remove the nipple and put it in there.Lastly if that doesnt work, pour water down the barrel and let soak for 15 minets and use a ball puller to remove projectile and clean gun.
THIS is an apple and oranges type question. They are 2 entirely different types of weapons, unless you mean a muzzle-loading shotgun. A muzzle-loader can be set off by ANY spark at the touch hole, NOT just a cap, IF IT IS LOADED. ANY weapon is only as safe as the person using it. ALL weapons should be considered loaded UNLESS YOU have PERSONALLY determined that it is NOT loaded AT THAT TIME!!
You can shoot the bullet safely. The worst thing that will happen is that it wont go off and will have to be pulled with a bullet puller, or if it is a more modern muzzleloader, just unscrew the nut on the end of the barrel and push it out the back end using the ramrod. As for the guy that commented on the weather, in my state this month, the weather was 21 degrees one day and 2 days later it hit 85. This was in a 2 day period, much less a 2 month period.
I like Mountain Man's advice on this. Muzzle loading firearms are a different ballgame than metallic cartridge firing firearms. I would never load one and merely let it sit for even a day. I always fire mine at the end of the hunting day. AND, I never put a loaded muzzle loader in my vehicle.