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Is it worth it to switch to Game Informer digital?

I currently get the paperback every month but today I got an email saying that I can switch to digital for free. I like to have a physical copy to read but if I switch i don't have to wait, I get more content. But then I can't show it to my friends or take it on the go. Should I stay with the physical copy or should I go digital?


Sounds like 1 of your smoke alarms are faulty and the others are hooked up to trigger when any individual one goes off. Here in Australia it is law that makes a home owner responsible for changing smoke alarms every 10 years as that is generally what factory warranties cover. I don't know where you live but I would assume the laws would be similar.
Clothes/swing/carriage/toys definitely. But probably not a carseat as some other people have said it may not be safe. Clothing can cost about 50 cents to $5 in second hand stores. Not sure where you're from, but in Massachusetts/ the new england area there's a great and very big second hand store called Savers that has tonnnns of baby stuff for very cheap prices ( average cost of an outfit is $2). Flea markets/yard sales are also great- look up local ones on craigslist to see who's selling baby stuff. We got a great Fisher Price swing for $5 from a local yard sale, and another one for $20 at a flea market I would think most second hand items will be under $50. Just be sure to clean everything very well- I disinfected all plastic items with Lysol, and washed the clothes twice- hey better safe than sorry.

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