I am thinking of purchasing a sofa for my living room. The sofa is 92 inches, the wall is 135 inches. Do you think the sofa is too big for this space?
Ask them to work with you! That's if they want your business they risk giving the competition an edge, all they have to do is put it back on the floor and you pay the difference of shipping and what your exchanging for. But rules are rules and my husband hated this but he was hired as a contractor to deal with this problem. People will order the color of carpet and it look different when they get it, so he makes you sign contract. And work it out with you to keep business. OK! Next time ask for their measurement of sofa size and then measure your room and place the furinture in your room by size. OK!
no wayy perfect size, plus you could squeez in to 21 inch tables on the side :D
Or your livingroom is too small for your sofa...
no cuz if u get a small 1 then ur living room will look kinda wierd
My sofa is 92 inches and my wall is 144 inches. It looks great, just the right size. The biggest reason for that is the type of couch. An over stuffed couch did not work. Small areas require more consideration when it comes to furniture. My couch had decent padding and looks great, it's just not overly stuffed.