Is the air heater suitable for use? Which is better than an electric water heater?
Although the sale price of air water heater is somewhat expensive, but it is still very low in terms of the cost of use, in general, the use of air heaters can be cost-effective. The Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Li Fan energy calculations, 1 tons of water from the average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius heating to 55 DEG C, the price standard value 0.62 yuan / kWh, electric water heater cost is 30.5 yuan, while the air heater is only 7.22 yuan. Moreover, the air energy water heater does not release any waste gas, waste water and waste residue to the outside world, and is an ideal green technology.
Shortcoming one: the price is high: the price of the air heater can be more than 5000 yuan, such as Finney, Midea, GREE, these famous air heaters can even reach more than 8000 yuan to more than 10 thousand yuan. And now the gas water heater, electric water heater prices are generally around 2000 yuan. Such a price gap does allow many consumers to abandon air heaters and choose other products.
The air energy water heater has the unique advantages of safety, environmental protection and energy saving, especially in the aspect of high-efficiency energy saving, far exceeding the other kinds of water heaters. Power consumption is equal to the capacity of electric water heater 1/4, 1/3 of gas water heater, 1/4 of fuel water heater and 1/2 of ordinary solar energy, which greatly reduces the energy consumption. The listing of air water heaters meets the needs of people for more energy saving and environmental protection, as well as the pursuit of safer and more comfortable life. The market for air - water heaters is in good shape. But without the perfect product, the air heater isn't perfect. As a new type of product, what are the disadvantages of the air heater?
The environmental adaptability of the gas water heater is not strong, and the effect of hot water production in the north is not satisfactory, and it is difficult for the product to cross the north of the Yangtze river. The air energy water heater absorbs the low temperature heat energy in the air through a refrigerant medium, and is compressed into a high temperature heat energy after the compressor is compressed, and the water temperature is heated. But the North outdoor air temperature is low, especially in winter, the air energy heater can not work at low temperatures. This is the biggest technological problem that exists in the air energy industry. Hot water is affected by the temperature. At present, although it is still a technical bottleneck, with the development of technology, this problem will be solved. It is understood that, with the major air water heater manufacturers on R & D costs, the R & D strength of air water heater is increasing, the experts predict that the problem can be solved soon.