What are the major problems with this transmission? What is the maintenance on the C-6?
I believe it is the best automatic transmission Ford has ever had. The maintenance (fluid, filter, flush) would be about 30,000 miles.
use both front and back at the same time and practice at low speeds about 15 to 20 miles a hour ,70 % of your braking power is in the front I just went thru the safe rider course this past yr. It's well worth going thru the course it cost me $235.
I have driven motorbikes for over 25 years and I have to say, just like a car, the front brakes are the most used. Obviously you will have to learn to use both your brakes if your a squid/newbie like we all did, not too much pressure just enough to stop the bike. Practice, practice, practice with both front and rear.
Yes to the first question but is it the right trannie for your application. Heat is number one killer of all auto trannies is the answer to second question-all ways install an external cooler to keep it at a low temp plus change all fluid and change filter every 3000 miles is ans. to third question. Also never over fill.
C-6 is the heavy duty transmission for big block Fords of the late sixties and seventies. It was heavy duty except the '66 (first year) cases were prone to crack when subjected to excessive torque. It is physically larger than C-4 and will not fit in some tunnels where a C-4 came out. It is a lot stronger than the FMX (cast iron) and has no bands to break. It has room inside the clutches for extra discs to make it stronger. For a Ford Car, I would use it over any other. If I needed stronger, I would go to an expensive aftermarket racing-only transmissions.