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Is the outdoor water meter smaller than the pipe diameter?

Is the outdoor water meter smaller than the pipe diameter?


The indoor meter and the diameters of the same diameter, total flow is determined. According to the general design of general larger diameter, left a certain margin, and tap water company requires accurate measurement, so the total diameter can be relatively small, but in order to meet the traffic demands, the meter diameter is too small will form the bottleneck of traffic.
An instrument for measuring water flow. The cumulative flow of water is mostly measured. Generally divided into the volume of water meters and speed water meter two categories. The accuracy of the former is higher than that of the latter, but it requires high water quality and is easily blocked when the water contains impurities. An instrument for recording the amount of water used in running water is mounted on a water pipe, and when the user leaves the water, the pointer or wheel turns on the table to indicate the amount of water passed.
The indoor meter and the diameters of the same diameter, total flow is determined. According to the general design of general larger diameter, left a certain margin, and tap water company requires accurate measurement, so the total diameter can be relatively small, but in order to meet the traffic demands, the meter diameter is too small will form the bottleneck of traffic.

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