i dont have internet at home and live no where near a library so if anyone has suggestions how i can check my mysoace cuz i have a sis in iraq and thats the only way we communicate! plz
The answer above me is pretty good but i wanted to elaberate a little bit. First check and see if you can still access volume control buy going to start-programs-accessories-entertainment control. If it is not there then it is probably a drive issue. If you don't see it right click on your my computer icon and go down to properties this will bring up your stystem properties then go to the tab that says hardware then click DEVICE MAnager. Next look for the sound,video,and game controllers tab then find your audio device see if it is working properly if not then go to google and search for drivers for your device then download and install.
It sounds like a paper feeding problem. Perhaps the rubber rollers which pulls the paper through the printer require cleaning. Check your HP help files for maintenance information, or go to HP's web site.