does anyone use lowering spring for their car ? and is it worth it to make it look good considering that it will wore out our tire faster and it would make it harder to go over speed bumps?
If the wiring is aluminum and the outlet is improper (only for copper), then yes probably. If it is aluminum wiring, then I would turn off the power and open every outlet and check that the outlets are AL/CU and that the connections are tight.
It wouldn't hurt the face shield BUT wouldn't do a thing as rain X is designed to allow water to run off when you are going fast enough to create enough wind to assist it..(you can't run that fast) Good Idea but won't work. A Car needs to be going atleast 20-30 MPH or so for it to begin to work.. And at that speed it barely works.. At 60 MPH it works great though..
That's what you get for wearing a visor.