I have a front seal transmission leak . Is it safe and or wise to use a transmission stop leak on it?
Stop leak swells seals in your transmission, in turn taking up any gap in the seal. I Have never had luck with any of these stop leaks but in order to replace that seal the tranny must come outso what the heck you don't have anything to lose if the stop leak does not work. and if your paying the labor to have the tranny removed, i would recommend getting a rebuilt/reman tranny. In my opinion its a lot of labor to pay just to have one seal replaced
If anything, it is only a band aid and the problem will have to be resolved sooner or later. Once a leak starts, the only real fix is to replace the leaking seal or gasket.
I would just change the tranny personally,but run it until it quits.If you go to the junk yard there are several interchangeable tranny's that will fit to your engine.For about $100 you could get one,but if the tranny is still good,have a friend change the seals both front and rear seals on the tranny that's in it.But honestly it would just be easier to drop it and put a different one in it.