Silly question, but is it okay for a cat to play with yarn? I know that they can get tangled up in it so I only let her play with it while I'm with herBut are there fibers or ingredients to the yarn that can be harmful?Thanks for your information.
Hi, Yarn is not recommended to use as a cat toy although it is not harmful on its ownAlthough you are there to supervise, in a split second, things can happenThe first concern is because cats like to taste things in their mouthOnce swallowed, there is no way to pull it out because of the anatomy of the cat's mouth which does not allow the yarn to be spitted outSecondly, cats are extremely playful and likes to jump around so there is a chance the she might get entangled There are many other wonderful toys out there that you can tryTo be safe, refrain from playing with it.
You can use tea, coffee, plants, nut shells, berries, beets, etcto make natural dyesThe general directions for using natural dyes is linked belowBasically, you brew your chosen ingredient, soak the item, check the color, soak more if needed, rinse then dryThe second link also includes a list of materials their resulting colors.