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Kindergarten large class art bus lesson plan

Kindergarten large class art bus lesson plan


The 4. bus came and drove to the road at the entrance of the kindergarten. What kind of graphics does the big bus consist of? What do you need to add to the big bus?Summary: graphics can make up the outline of the big bus, and then add doors and windows. The big bus is coming. With a bus driver, it is more convenient to go out.Two, appreciate creationValue analysis: try using a circle, square, triangle combination of graphics to show the object features, and simple painting, showing the front of the kindergarten road around the scene.Transition language: there is only one big bus in front of the kindergarten. It's really cold. What else can I do? (PPT)Summary: you can still have so many things. Now, please be a little designer and let the front of the kindergarten become lively!Design requirement:Please ask each child to choose a design planFigure out the objects on the side of the road by combining and adding pictures? return the design drawings to their original place after the designKey guidance:Square body, round for wheelsTwo small rectangles combined into a wall
Active process:First, situational introductionValue analysis: the introduction of basic graphic combinations and painting methods through conversation.1. see where this is (kindergarten)2., the teacher took you to visit the street last time. Do you remember what is in front of the kindergarten?Summary: there is a row of trees in front of the kindergarten, trash, street lights, traffic lights, and a house can be really busy.What was on the road 3.? (showing the big bus ppt)
Best answerMoving target:1. try to combine shapes with circles, squares and triangles and simply add pictures.2. experience the pleasure of being a road designer.Event preparation:Previous experience: visiting the street in front of the kindergartenEnvironmental materials: ppt courseware, all kinds of color graphics (round, triangular, square), solid glue, markers and so on

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