I want to sleep on a Jester sized bed. so I can sleep with a smile. your neptune aspects to planets and houses?
I slept on a jester size bed for most of my life and always slept with a smile on my face. Until one night i woke up and rolled over in bed to see a man in a jester hat with a huge creepy grin and huge eyes on him face. I asked who he was and he said he was yhe ghost of the Jester who died in this bed. He explained that in order for a bed to be a Jester size bed a jester must have died in it other wise the bed would just be a Queen bed.i asked hoe he died an he said that this bed used to be a Queen bed until one night he slept with the Queen while the King was away but the king came back early and found them in bed together and killed him in that bed. He said because his blood sept in to that bed it turned it in to a Jester bed and now his spirit is cursed to stay laying in this bed for all eternity until a queen sleeps in this bed and died in it because then the bed will become a Queen size bed again.
What's a jester sized bed I had a queen but I prefer a twin.. I hate having all that extra space if sleeping alone. And then if you're sharing a queen size bed, you're actually getting more space if you were to each sleep in a twin. So queen sized beds are just as awkward no win situation for me Neptune/MC aspects almosts everything
i have a queen size... but whenever i go to a hotel, i always get the king sized bedroom and i love it... rolling/ yawning all over the bed... oh., fun!!!
To hell with this peasant-royalty hierarchy of beds. Nun has a double, that's all I know.