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Kitten defecating in bathroom sink?

Very weird question here. I am petsitting for a family with several cats and dogs. The youngest kitten is living in a bathroom, currently (it is the only small, enclosed, safe place for him to stay until the family returns). Unfortunately, despite his having a clean litterbox, he is constantly pooping in the sink, which is unpleasant for me to deal with--obviously! How can I discourage him from doing this without really disciplining or hurting him in any way? I can't easily put something over the sink that he couldn't pull down and hurt himself with.


Might be UTI or attitude.
first of all you will desire to get the worms taken care of... from a vet 2nd his liter container may well be disgusting and it quite is his way of announcing sparkling it. 0.33: whilst cats have UTI or bladder an infection or worse because of the fact that he's a male he would desire to be clogged they attempt to flow and cant so they linked discomfort with the clutter container so they flow else the place/ If the undertaking remains occurring after u sparkling the container take him to the vet!
Fill the sink with something soft.Put a blanket over top. Put a small piece of wood wrapped in blankets over top. It might help. Good luck.
My cat does this everytime he is upset, especially when we have visitors come to stay with us. Obviously the kitten is upset and is showing you in the only way he can- by not using his kitty box. There isn't really any way to stop this until his people come back home. Then he will most likely stop his naughty bathroom display. However, maybe you could help. Unless this is against the homeowner's rule, maybe let the cat out of the bathroom for a little bit while you're there and can keep an eye on him. This might relieve his anxiety a bit. Or possibly put the litter box in/on the sink. Then when he goes to use the sink, his box will be there instead.
Um.. He shouldn't be living in a bathroom.. That might be the problem.. But if you are strictly told to keep him in there or something like that then I guess keep him in >_<.. But after he goes in it.. clean it out really good and get some disinfecting stuff.. also you might should buy or try and find a pet odor eliminator and that will get rid of the smell and the habit probably. Also you should keep a close eye on him and when he jumps on the counter or the sink, firmly say NO and pick him up and put him in his litterbox. Then pick up his paw and push the litter around with his paw. This always works when training cats to use the litter box. about 99% of the time it works. If the litterbox hasn't been cleaned (like washed out with soap and water) at least once a month.. you should do that. Just dump the litter out and fill it halfway with soap and water.. then maybe if its dirty enough, scrub it with a sponge or something. Then wait for it to dry and put it back in the bathroom and fill it with litter of course. Also if it smells try sprinkling two spoonfuls of baking soda on the litter. You might have to put something else for the cat to go to the restroom in while you are cleaning it. Or make sure the cat has just gone before cleaning it out. Well this is all the info I can give you. hope this helps!

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