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Kitten sucking on blanket?

Why would a 7 month old kitten suck on a blanket?It's literally soaked when she's finished.


if you look around most places will lend you a insulation blower free of charge if you buy the insulation from them.Keep the blower outside your house on a nice day (not to hot or your attic will be hell) run the hose into your attic via vent or attic hatch and wear a dusk mask (now heres the important part) have a competent person load the blower because there is alot of moving parts (especially in older machines) and spread it evenly throughout your attic(the depth will depend on the r-value you are seeking and this info is found on the insulation bags.Also older homes have no insulation stops so be careful you don't cover the soffit vents with insulation (you may have to install the stops yourself)
It's about the simplest do-it-yourself project you can manageBuy the insulation at any home improvement store, rent the blower from the store, load it, point and shootIt's about as simple as taking a pi$$.
Home Depot will rent you the equipment and sell you the insulationIt is a thankless, nasty job and here is why I recommend against it: Blown-in fiberglass quickly dispenses from the attic into the breathing space via leaks around the a/c diffusers (or vents)These tiny stands of fiberglass form spears that penetrate the alvioli or air sacks in the lungsThis can cause asthma, and greatly exacerbate symptoms in a pre-existing asthmatic I suggest that you investigate other ways to reduce your utility bill without jeopardizing your healthGood luck!
the insulation just might be using youget to know it firstand dont do it too much, it might start liking it better then sex.
It sounds like unfortunately the kitten was taken from its mother too soonThe kneading is what cats do to stimulate the milk from their mothers and the suckling is the kitten attempting to drink the (non-existant) milkDon't punish the kitten for this, it's not her faultYou can try to distract her with toys when she starts to suckle - if you give her plenty of attention, it will help her to break the habit You could also assign one blanket to the kitten to be suckled and if she starts suckling other things, pick her up and remove her from itAfter a while she should get the hintShe will grow out of the suckling, but she won't grow out of the kneading, which is normal cat behaviour.

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