Led white light plus lamp cup has yellow circle blue heart solution
This is a simple question, and it's a question of how large or deep the cup is. The solution
DP (dispersant), is commonly with Bai Guangjiao A: B: DP (0.9:1-0. 1 or 1:1:0. 1) this is will improve the side effects of attenuation, as well as brightness and lumen value, but together will be easier
Spread powder, is commonly with Bai Guangjiao A: B: spread powder (003) 1:1:0. 003 or 1:1:0. This is to reduce the side effects of lumen value and brightness, but there would be little impact on attenuation.
Add anti-settling starch, match Bai Guangjiao A: B: heavy starch (0005) 1:1:0. 0005 or 1:1:0. With this method will not affect the brightness, lumen value and attenuation, but the effect may not be very good.