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Loader error 3 on Windows 2000 startup.?

I get the error quot;Loader error 3on windows 2000 startup. Upon research, people say by using the windows 2000 repair utility will fix the problem. i do not have the w2k cd with me. People say the error could come from the registry hive being to large or a corrupt system. Is there anyway to clean the registry out with another program, like Ultimate Boot CD?


Just if anyone is interested: - To solve the problem 1 Backup user data 2 Boot with 2000 CD 3 Boot to Console 4 Used FIXBOOT 5 Reboot Everything OK
Willl it boot up? if so, precise whilst it first does, it will provide you a # , including f-10 to press, to flow to a different demonstrate than your laptop. There could be a equipment restoration you may click on, which will take you back to a different component; to whilst the pc became working sturdy. Wait till it extremely is with the aid of, whilst it boots as much as the laptop, you will discover if it took you back some distance sufficient; if no longer, you may repeat this flow added back.
just get windows vista

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