Any one have a long, skinny baby? My baby is 6 weeks and 24inches, not sure how much he weighs at the moment, but at one month he was 12lbs, and the 3-6 month clothes fit perfect in length but he looks like a balloon around the waist. I found this website that helps alittle. It tells you which stores sell which weights and lengths. If anyone else knows a good site or store that sells long skinny baby clothes, please post.
Every massive body in motion has momentum. For the three dimensional distortion of space time to do other than as observed (i.e, two dimensional plane orbits through three dimensional space), momentum would not exist as we know it. A massive body cannot move in two or more orbital planes at the same time, to do so it would require a new force which doesn't exist. Think of a spinning gyroscope, to make it move away from its two dimensional spinning plane, an additional and considerable force is required. No such force exists in nature.
The way it was explained to me is that because of all the electric cables everywhere the lightning rod wasn't necessary any more. But in the country, they are still being used by a lot of people and I was told that some people in neighborhoods where all utilities are buried have started using them again.