Touch screen phone, the main screen resolution and color which parameters on the screen clarity more important?
3.5 inch screen resolution 640 * 960 is 330dpi, no grainy, very fine, is currently on the market to see the best screen.
Usually expressed as pixels per inch (Pixel per inch, ppi) and per inch (Dot per inch, dpi). The more data is included, the greater the length of the graphics file, and the more detailed the details. The limit of the human eye is 300ppi, and then you can not tell the high.
The clarity of the phone screen is mainly determined by the resolution and the screen size. The resolution is a parameter used to measure the amount of data in the bitmap image.
Of course, the number of pixels is important. But more depending on the screen resolution line number and screen material.
The number of colors on the screen, you can refer to the computer, you can understand, from the earliest win32 256 colors to windows 32-bit color (65536 color is 16-bit color), the higher the number of colors, the higher the performance of the screen color.