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Makeup color pallet...?

What colored makeup should a girl with these features be wearing...?*Dark hazel eyes (greenish brown)*Dark, thick eyebrows*Ivory skin*Rosy cheeks*Pale-pink lips*Long, thick, bronze-colored hairPlease and Thank you! ^.^


Red, brown and gray. A post-apocalyptic world would have a mixture of these colors both on the ground and in the air. You could also be experimental and make the whole movie in stylized black-and-white.
A very gloomy colour palette you should take a look at screen shots, fromg games like Fallout: New Vegas or movies like The Road
the line A Boy and His dogs Zardoz Omega guy Delicatessan The Quiet Earth Damnation Alley damage out From massive apple The e book of Eli 12 Monkeys children of fellows Logan's Run Day of the Triffids Mad Max Trilogy

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