basically i have 3 game tokens, A copper token, a Silver Token, and a Gold token, i want to be able to give the customer the fewest possible coins back. 1 Gold Token 100 Silver Token, 1 Silver Token 100 Copper tokens. So if i owe a customer 4321 Copper tokens, i want it to tell me that i need to give them 4 Gold tokens, 3 Silver tokens, and 21 Copper tokens . any idea how to make an excel sheet to do this ?
Here's a sample of a police oath. On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the Constitution, the community and the agency I serve, so help me God. I can't find a firefighters oath right off.but here's what the guys in Houston Texas get paid and so on www.houstontx /fire/employment. My point being99% of the guys on either job will do what it takes to preserve life and property.for squat pay. You have some seriously big balls sitting at home, in front of your computer, and question the net of safety you live and breath over and those who provide it for you.
The fire department does rescue people if there's a fire, unless it's too dangerous for them to do so, and no, the police have no obligation to look for a missing person who is of age if there is no proof of foul play.
A1 type Gold, A2 type Silver, A3 type Copper, A4 type Amount B1 INT(B4/10000) B2 INT(VALUE(RIGHT(B4,4)/100)) B3 VALUE(RIGHT(B4,2)) B4 type the amount to convert I think your maths is off. 1 silver token 100 copper, but 100 silver tokens 10000 copper tokens so 1 gold token 10000 copper tokens
I don't know about the Police Department, but I do know thisMy husband is a volunteer Firefighter and I can tell you that their first priority is human life, right after their own safety. If they deem a fire too dangerous to go into, they must obey certain rules and regulations of safety. Every department will tell you that, I don't care where you go. Those who disobey these safety regulations and enter, and then end up hurting themselves are seriously reprimanded. This is for every firefighter.whether they are full time or volunteer. My husband has a shirt, on it saysNo one forces me to go into a burning buildingI volunteer!! I can guarantee you this too, every firefighter has their own mind whether they risk getting reprimanded. Many have lost their own lives to save someone. I know in my heart, that my husband is one of them. And that makes me both proud and sad at the same time.