Is there something you can buy to put under the legs of a chair, so when you slide your chair out it doesn't make an annoying screech sound?
cheap fix--cut a slit in a tennis ball and stick it on each leg
You can buy different sizes of little felt pads that attach to the bottom of your chair's legs, they will make the chair glide easier but beware they don't always stay on well with just the adhesive that comes on them. I would put them on with a little drop of super glue. Just be sure to let them dry completely before using otherwise you may end up with super glue where you don't want it
What kind of chair? What kind of floor? You can buy little felt pads that either stick on or nail on to the bottom of the chair legs. Make sure you measure the bottom radius of the leg. The pads come in different sizes and you want the size that most closely matches the bottom of the legs. These pads are not as effective on rough floors, like tile or concrete, but they should still help some. They will just need to be replaced more often.