I‘m on the border between manual or automatic, I want to get either a nissan 370z nismo(manual)or 1lt camaro(automatic) I want to know which transmission is is more fun and great to drive. Also which one is easier to drift in and facts about manual transmissions.
The CV joint flung out all its grease, then burned up from lack of lubrication, then started breaking apart. You could have the whole axle replaced with a rebuilt that has new boots, joints and is full of grease for around $200. You're lucky it didn't break loose and start slinging around and tearing up everything on that side. That LE is too nice to just let it fall apart, so fix it. Start taking better care of your car. Seriously consider getting a new timing belt put in before the old one breaks and leaves you stranded in the middle of the freeway with other cars and trucks flying by at 75 mph, while you can't move anywhere.
Jack up the troublesome corner, and see how bad the CV joint is. My guess is that it desperately needs the half shaft replaced (about $60 for the part, rebuilt exchange) and a decent box of hand tools, plus an hour and HAYNES manual will do it, or pay a general auto garage around $300 parts and labor to do it. After this is done, you'll know pretty quickly whether you've damaged the engine or transmission by driving it so long after it needed repair. I'm thinking it's probably hurt the transaxle some -- they aren't built to accept that much pushback.
Well a manual is over all more fun to drive but drifting in a manual requires a lot of multitasking such as putting yourself in a appropriate gear then using the hand brake. Over all a manual transmission will also last you longer (if its not abused)than an automatic.
A manual transmission definitely gives you more control. It's a little more trouble to use, and maybe more than a little more trouble to learn. Manuals used to be more reliable, years ago, and save on gas, and last longer. But these days not so much. Most people who buy sporty cars today want automatic transmissions, maybe because they're not serious drivers. To my way of thinking, you don't -drive- a car with an automatic transmission, you just -point- it. 8^