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Marine Commandant's House?

My question is: Do other high ranking generals/admirals (like other members of the JCS) get similar houses? Obviously they get huge residences but do they have old historical homes similar to the one of the commandant? For example, where does the Chairman of the JCS live? Where is the official military residence of the Chairman of the JCS???


Flag Housing on Yokosuka Naval base is REALLLLLLLY Nice. former homes of Imperial Navy Admirals who put Emperors up for the night nice. koi ponds, bridges over gurgling streams, formal Dining rooms that seat 20. every older base has heritage housing that is set aside for Flags and Base COs
Flag Officer housing is almost always old, historic homes, that either already had, or are outfitted with official spaces for them to conduct official functions. If the housing is newly built, then it is still large, with both official and private spaces. Flag Officer housing is appropriate for someone who is equivalent to a CEO. Senior flag officer housing at Norfolk Virginia are the old, large, State expositions houses form the 1907 Jamestown Exposition. Thirteen of them are still in use by flag officers for official residences. The housing for the Chief of Staff of the Army and the JCS Chairman and Vice Chairman are large, historic homes on Fort Meyer. The Chief of Naval Operations has his official residence in the Washington Navy Yard, while the Chief of Staff of the Air Force lives on Bolling Air Force Base - both large homes, the Air Force one being much newer.

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