Home > categories > Mechanical Parts & Fabrication Services > Spur Gears > Measured straight tooth gear Z=27, outer diameter 114.2mm, root diameter 99.5mm, tooth all high 7.5mm, pressure angle may 20 degrees

Measured straight tooth gear Z=27, outer diameter 114.2mm, root diameter 99.5mm, tooth all high 7.5mm, pressure angle may 20 degrees

Measured straight tooth gear Z=27, outer diameter 114.2mm, root diameter 99.5mm, tooth all high 7.5mm, pressure angle may 20 degreesTo the tooth z=50, the outer diameter is about 202.5mm, the center distance is =154, and the modulus is 4, but the other data restore don't go back, please advise


Tooth number Z = 50, addendum circle De = 208mm, pitch diameter d = 200mm, root circle Di = 190mmCenter distance A = 154mm
The modulus is 4 pairs. The tooth number is Z = 27, addendum circle De = 116mm, pitch diameter d = 108mm, root circle Di = 98mm
The whole tooth high =2.25m h=2.25 * 4 = 9mm (full tooth high in this issue!) gear wear.Hope to be of some help to you

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