What was your favorite song he was a part of?Poll- Blanket hanging over a rail OR MJ's hair catching on fire?
i got six smoke alarms an 4 co detectors in my home. anyone who needs one can contact their local fire dept. an get a free one installed by the fire dept.
in California speed bumps are limited to 3 on public streets and parking areas 3 is the minimum ground clearance for a car in California however on private property speed bumps are often much taller i work in the paving industry
I would put the CM detector nearest the vent in the room you spend the most time in. Like in my house the outlet is above the vent in my bedroom, so thats where mine is. As far as the smoke detector you should try and have one for each halway on each floor. I would put the other two one in your livingroom and one ni the back. The fire fighter idea is good too, they have that kind of program in our neighborhood, where they wikll come out and help you.
Smoke in all, no carbon dioxide. Funny, I passed one up in Costco today. As I walked past, I thought, that would be a good idea to have but now that the weather is warming up, I'll just keep some windows open and let that stuff out. :~)
No trick, just remember heat travels upward, so sweat the bottom of the fitting first, then the top. You can use a heat sink cloth to soak up heat to prevent other fittings from getting hot, or just watch the solder as you finish up and apply small amount to any pre soldered fittings that may heat up again as you finish. Clean all fittings good and apply flux.