
Molding or carpet?

Hi. We're currently redoing our spare bedroom complete with new carpet, new paint, and new molding. We've ripped up the old carpet and removed the old molding from the walls. We plan to paint next weekend. My question is, do we install the new molding before or after the new carpet is installed (in about two weeks after painting is done)? Which is the best way to go?


You will need to install carpet first then the molding. Look at other rooms in your house and you will understand
Oxyclean. If it's the powder then wet the spot and saturate the area with the powder. Let it sit for a while. Maybe even overnight. You will have to have a carpet cleaner or shop vac to suck up the old oxyclean. Then you will probably have to reapply several times. I do this with my laundry that gets mildew and mold on it and it works like a charm. If you use the liquid oxyclean that comes in the spray bottle then just spray it on and suck it up with the carpet cleaner or shop vac. This is the method I use on my carpet with pet stains and I love it. hint: liquid tide in the carpet cleaner works wonders too.
Hey. this is all preference, carpet layers like to do the carpet first so they don't scratch up the base the backing is very rough. also if you are repainting the base be for it is hung it is easy to touch up after you hang it and after carpet. also don't compress the trim on to the carpet very tight it makes it hard to remove later lightly set and nail. So if you hang the base before carpet and paint it in place make sure that you space the trim no more than a 1/2 use small blocks (little chunks of trim usually work very well for this) as spacers the carpet finishes nice if the carpet tucks under the trim. If the carpet is a Berber or commercial grade bring base a little lower So what ever works for your schedule it can go both ways. good luck! If the trim is up already tell your carpet layer to be careful.

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