not really familiar with motorcycle electrical equipment. When I use the handle bar break the break light does not come on but when I use the foot brake it works fine. Any idea what may cause this.Also another problem I seem to have is the flashers, the left 2 flashers work when turned on so long as they are rumbled (reving the engine, etc..) however if idling they just stay lit. the right side the front light does not work at all and the back light just stays lit no matter what.
the difficulty with LED's is they are very directional, collectively as they could very very nearly blind you on the instant out from the lamp they have little or no gentle to the area utilising coventional reflectors in familiar lights furnishings. the greater useful selection i've got faith in LED are the recent LED furnishings that are completely crammed with LED emitters. you're able to desire to decide your self by using driving down the line and gazing the countless examples at evening.
Check all of your indicator bulbs 1st, and the flasher unit and your battery voltage which should be around 13.4volts that only leaves the switch to check and for that you need a continuity test meter cheap one will do you for continuity and voltages or get your local bike shop to sort it.
Front brake lever switch is gunged up with debris like most bikes I've ever had. You could try dismantling and cleaning it out, but you may end up getting a new switch or a second hand one from a scrappy. Rear brake switches always seem sturdier for some reason. The blinkers staying on could be a battery that's on its last legs or the alternator that's struggling. May be even the rectifier unit. Right side front bulb is blown.