Motorcycle correct braking method
It seems that you want to ride the car is the men's women's basic no need to know that people who ride a bike to learn a few days to basically mastered
) Let the engine heat up. Before the start of the hot and cold engine, before the load or operation is applied, let the engine have sufficient idle time, which will allow the lubricating oil to flow to all the important parts of the engine. (2) when the engine is idle, first lift the clutch grip, pedal shift plate, the shift lever into the first file. (3) so that the speed gradually increased, slowly release the clutch grip. Let these two operations together to ensure a steady start. (4) When the motorcycle into a smooth forward, the engine speed slows down, hold the clutch grip, and press the variable speed pedal, so that it into the second gear. Branch change other speed also in the same way. (5) so that the throttle and brake close together, steadily slow down the speed. (6) front wheel brake and rear wheel brake to operate at the same time, do not force too much so that the wheel brake is too tight, this will reduce the braking performance, difficult to control the motorcycle.