Ok, So I was out of town when the Olympics started on NBC, did anyone see at the beginning ceremony of the Olympics if Hatsune Miku preformed? She was voted #1 to preform for more than a few months (and if I'm wrong please don't just comment that), and one web page said it was unlikely for her to actually preform there, but I just want to know if she really did, and if she was on tv.
Never heard of her. Doubt she was there unless she was a gymnast/dancer. Is she British? You do realise only British performers are gonna be there?
Dido. <~~~ She's da bestest! Britian is aWESumE!!!!
nope she didn't preform. but think about it, why would they bring a Japaneses famous hologram to open for them, when shes not even British?
*sigh* THE POLL WAS NOT OFFICIAL!! Sorry the scream. But seriously, do you really thought that they would put Miku there? Don't get me wrong I love her, I even write one of the posts on the poll site explaining why I would like Miku on the Olympics, but I'm realist, there's abosolute 0 chance of them putting a non-human singer from another country on the openings. Miku have tons of fans, but she's not accepted by the majority outside japan. Anyway, just to make this clear. When this commotion started a long time ago, when people started to say that if she won the poll she would appear on the Olympics, the staff made a announcement that they wouldn't change their plans and put Miku there.