I have a muzzel loader its old and has no manurfacturing stamp at all . It has a 32 inch barrel and its hexagon.also has a long range sight with a barrel front sight. The hammer is underneath next to the trigger guard. I would like to know who makes it and any other info if possible
that is hard to tell not being able to see it. take it to a gun dealer.
maybe i am wrong but you may have a hand made gun maybe a colecter can identify it. some guns like shot guns have stamp marks. check for these you may have to take it completely apart to find them.
Check out the web site for Massachussetts Arms Co which is now out of business since the early 20th century.
hard to say without more info Hopkins and Allen made a Heritage Underhammer and Numrich Arms made the Buggy Rifle . Both were what is called underhammer guns with the hammer on the underside near the trigger guard. I do not recall them with a 32 inch bbl and long range sights. type in underhammer rifles and click images. i found several sites with good photos and history. with any luck you will find yours there. Are there no other markings ? Sometimes it is necessary to remove the stock to see i.d. You didnt mention the caliber Kinda hard to help out with so little info. EDIT: after reviewing some pics i found a hopkins and allen underhammer with a vernier rear sight attached to the stock just to the rear of the trigger.