Im in the garden level apartment. I have two exit doors however they are both literally right next to each other. My windows are glass block held together with silicone type puddy. If I were to need to escape via window what would I need to have handy?
nicely i imagine a mild tan or beige colour because those are rather sturdy colors that in reality can bypass with any epidermis tone, or perchance a mild red no longer a astounding red with the aid of the indisputable fact that makes your epidermis seem whiter, i'd only say do mild colors do not do black and do not do white. in case you do white attempt to have some colors on the blouse so as that it do no longer make you seem bland.
Because the block is held together with silicone, it is a pre-assembled panel set in place as a complete unit. It is not stuctural and has no reinforcement or mortar in the joints. If time is not important, work the edges and try to get it out in one piece. In case of fire Glass block is manufactured to have a core with a partial vacumn. When it breaks it will implode. Strike the block with a hammer dead center and break out the glass on your side only. Do not break thru the block yet. Do this to at least nine blocks. Sixteen is better if you have time or are large. Next start knocking out the glass between blocks starting at the bottom blocks and working your way up the hole. If you start at the top, broken glass will get in the way as you work down. Try not to break thru the block until the end so smoke does not come in. Have a blanket ready to crawl over. Expect to spend 2 to 10 min. doing the job. Depending on hammer size and your size. Remember: Break out the center of all the hole blocks Then break out the thick glass that forms the grid starting at the bottom. Finish breaking out the glass on the far side. Put blanket thru hole and crawl out. Note; A 10# sledge, swung well, will take out the center of a block. Any hammer will do.
I don't think I would go so harsh on the eyes try some coppers instead of the pinks
you mustn't break those blocks if they are part of a bearing wall or else you risk having the whole building collapse on top of you. otherwise, a 10 lb sledge hammer would work.
RED lipstick, maybe a shimmery eyeshadow and black eyeliner and cute earings if pireced:) Good Luck